Our Story
What happens when two sisters get together? Two Sisters Soap!
But really how did this happen? We are asked this all the time.
It all started in 2011 when Candi the oldest of eight sisters invited Sandy, the second oldest, to take a handmade soap class. Sandy has always had a unknown fetish with handmade products but had never done anything with it. Candi was kind enough to support and let her tag along.
Once the class was over the ingredients were ordered, the product was made. We were addicted. Now the problem was what to do with all the product we were making. We decided to do craft shows/boutiques to sell our piles of products.
We opened Two Sisters Soap LLC and did our first show in November of 2011 in Idaho Falls, Idaho on an 8 foot table.
It wasn’t long before we were seriously researching new products to bring into our business. Balms, scrubs, body creams, bubbles and scrubbles etc. We like to control product ingredients and offer an affordable quality product.
Soon our next sister in line, Patricia was busy making her own ideas into reality. She joined Two Sisters Soap as a “back pack” and added a comforting and relaxing therapeutic side to Two Sisters Soap. It was a perfect fit. With Patricia in tow we hit the Utah boutique market.
In December of 2016 Sandy bought Candi out of the business. Not because of anything terrible happening. Oh gosh no! Candi was able to continue her freedom by spending time with her sweetheart and family on a beach in Mexico. Candi continues to be known as one of the Two Sisters and will always be welcome to participate whenever she wants to.

This left Sandy and Patricia to grow the business and build it into who knows what in the future. Our booth is a booming minimum 10x16 feet now, with shelf after shelf of handmade products that feel and smell divine!
The changes don't stop there. We've changed labels, packaging, ingredients etc. to get things just right. And the next change would be Patricia going to work full time. In May 2019 she sold her business to Sandy's daughter, Brittany.

That's right, two sisters soap is no longer two sisters. Sandy legit burned through two sisters so we're going with that. Brittany brought millennial ideas and has made some great changes.
Changes again have come to the company in April 2021. Brittany is a full time mama focusing on her cute little people.
Sandy and hubs, Allen took over most all of Brittany's products....except you know there's going to be a twist. Besides that fact that Allen is now more involved. But let's be clear he is not the boss of Sandy!

Brielle, Sandy's daughter in law has now joined the company. You won't see her at events, but you will see her online. Brielle is a great social media-ist. Is that a word? She's super fantastic and talented at social media, ideas and know how! She also has bought into the business taking on a few a Brittany's past products and will be building on them. Watch and you'll see. Brielle is mama to three littles.

Our business grew and grew and grew. In 2022 we introduced The Soap Box. We renovated a 1984 King of the Road RV trailer into a booth on wheels.
We absolutely love what we are doing. It's challenging, hard work and very long hours on our feet in in our heads. Our reward is happy customers and the friends and addicts they become.

We are confident in our products so much that we think we’re kind of a big deal. Obviously we are proud of our products and our diligence that help others in so many ways.
We have made so many good friends in fellow craft vendors and our regular customers. We’re grateful to everyone who has and will support us as we continue to build our brand. Thank you to all of our loyal Two Sister Soap customers, we do it for you!
Oop! Wait! Another change! Patricia is retired…again! Actually her hubs retired so she is planning on spending a ton of time with him making new memories.
With that we’re back to Brielle and Sandy taking on more work and products. Which means you will see more dual purpose products such as hand & body wash combined! Hey it’s less waste too! We’ve reduced our slower selling fragrances and are focused on our best sellers!
You‘ll see some new products to like super awesome and trending Dad hats! That’s right! High quality as you’ve come to expect. Tip top embroidery with the “kind of a big deal” slogan on the front. And a small and proud “two sisters soap” on the back. Because you’re cool like that!
You’dlike see towels, yup! Bath & hand towels, bath mats and wash clothes. All white, high quality, cotton, made to use again and again. Wash, dry, bath repeat!
You’dlike see towels, yup! Bath & hand towels, bath mats and wash clothes. All white, high quality, cotton, made to use again and again. Wash, dry, bath repeat!
And we’re adding shampoo and conditioner bars with less packaging and high concentration. A little goes a really long way! Easy for travel!
We’re working smarter and harder. We’ve added some awesome equipment to cut out work steps out time down and increase our product volume. Baby steps make huge strides!
The Chicks in the Robes
we love ya and thank you for going on this journey with us ❤️